Monday, February 10, 2025

Top 5 This Week


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It’s not tasty at all: 100 Worst Rated Foods in the World, according to TasteAtlas!

The popular gastronomy site TasteAtlas, is known for the best rated plates from countries and cities all over the planet. This time, the list is something totally different. A list with the 100 Worst Rated Foods in the World, according to TasteAtlas!

Some of the plates, are really disgusting and it is not by chance that they are included in this list. 

And the winner is… 

On the top of the list is the Blodpalt – LAPLAND, Finland

Traditionally associated with the northern parts of Sweden and the Finnish Lapland, blodpalt are the nutritious, dark-brown dumplings prepared with rye or barley flour and animal’s blood. Although they were traditionally made with reindeer’s blood, today they appear in numerous regional varieties which employ blood of various animals, different spices, and occasionally mashed potatoes.

They are sometimes filled with a mixture of sautéed onions and diced bacon, and are commonly cooked in flavorful meat broths. Blodpalt dumplings are usually enjoyed as a side dish accompanied by fried bacon or pork, butter, and lingonberry jam.

Bocadillo de sardinas (Bocata de sardinas) from Spain on the 2nd place of the list

Sandwich / Bocadillo de sardinas – SPAIN

Bocadillo de sardinas is a humble Spanish sandwich with a savory filling of canned sardines. The sandwich is usually made with a Spanish-style baguette (barra de pan), although other types of bread may also be used such as ciabatta bread or wholemeal bread.

After it’s been sliced lengthwise, the bread is topped with sardines which can be preserved in oil, tomato sauce, or vinegar, thus imbuing the sandwich with additional flavor. The filling may be enhanced with various other ingredients such as peppers, tomatoes, cilantro, lettuce, onions, avocados, olives, boiled eggs, mayonnaise, mustard, yogurt sauce, mushrooms, sautéed vegetables, and olive oil.

Pizza / Calskrove – SKELLEFTEÅ, Sweden

Pizza / Calskrove – SKELLEFTEÅ, Sweden

This behemoth of a meal is an invention of the Tre Kronor restaurant from the Swedish town of Skellefteå. It consists of a calzone pizza that is stuffed with hamburgers (along with bread, toppings, and dressings) and French fries.

The calorie-laden dish was originally invented for people who could not decide whether to get a pizza or a hamburger after a night of heavy drinking.

Numper 98: Beef Dish / Seswaa – (Chotlho)

Numper 98: Beef Dish / Seswaa – (Chotlho)
Seswaa, also known as chotlho, is Botswana’s national dish consisting of meat on the bone (usually beef) that’s slow-cooked in salted water. Once the meat has been cooked, it is pounded with large wooden pestles, then served over pap.

Seswaa is usually prepared by men due to the physical extortion during the preparation process, since the meat is cooked in traditional, three-legged pots (called potjie) over an open fire. Lamb or goat meat can be used instead of beef, although beef is the most popular option in Botswana.

Seswaa is almost always served on special occasions, weddings, and during the country’s celebration of the independence day.

Dessert – Cookie Salad from Minnesota USA

In the end, there are two pastries:
Nr 99 Sweet Pastry Street Food Sweets – Bolos de São Gonçalo from Portugal and Nr 100, Dessert – Cookie Salad from Minnesota USA!

Try not to forget the list…

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